sabato 23 ottobre 2010


I went to the French Riviera about three weeks ago and then I went to Paris last week.  I absolutely love France. From the Croque Madames to the Effiel Tower and the beautiful language, I truely loved everything I saw about this country.  I have not had nearly enough time to see everything I wanted to see here! I feel like both weekends I was in France I had to run around and try to see everything I wanted to see.

We went to the French Riviera through a tour group called Bus2Alps.  It was about a 7 hour bus ride to get there.  We stayed in a hostel in Nice and had trips planned to different cites everyday.  My favorite places we went were Monaco and Cannes because they were both so famous.  

We went to the Monte Carlo Casino and played the slot machines here.  It was really fancy and you had to be kind of dress up to get in.  We played the slot machines here and I won 13 euro!

The weather was really warm, so we were able to get a couple beach days in. The beaches were gorgeous.  Also, it was totally okay to go topless there.  And all the men wore speedos.  It wasn't a huge shock, but it was definitely something we had to get used to. 

Here are a few more pictures from the French Riviera:

Paris has been one of my favorite cities so far.  We went on a school trip there last weekend.  We took a flight out of Pisa and stayed in a hotel by the Eiffel Tower. The first night, we had a big group of girls go to the Eiffel Tower, drink wine, and eat crepes.  It was so beautiful at night. 

We had a bike tour of the city one day and a Da Vinci Code tour the next.  The Da VInci Code tour took us around the city and showed us the scenes from the book and the movie.  It basically proved everything in the movie and the book to be completely false, but it was still interesting to learn about it.  We had another tour at night where we went on a boat down the Siene River and then went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. We got to see the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Moulin Rouge as well. 
Here is Jen, Meredeth, Leslie and I on top of the Eiffel Tower.
The is the Louve.  Unfortunately, we only had 2 hours to go inside and see all of it, but if you spent 30 seconds looking at each piece of art, then you would be in there for 6 months.  I did get to see the Mona Lisa though, along with other really interesting artwork. 
This is the Notre Dame Cathedral.  It was definitely my favorite church out of all the churches I have seen in Europe. 

And of course, the famous Moulin Rouge. You couldn't go inside of it unless you wanted to see a show (which was 90 euro). 

Like I said, we didnt have nearly enough time to see everything we wanted to.  France was amazing and I really hope to go back there.  This weekend, I went to Perugia for the EuroChocolate Festival and next weekend, we are off to Barcelona for Halloween!

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